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 Nick is a dedicated  tennis player, who is rapidly excelling in tennis. Nicks aspiriations are to become number 1 in his category to start ,and a future pro as he gains the necessary technique through his relentless, and unstoppable tranining!


 Nick is very tall for his age, he is currently 6.2ft or 192cm and about 70kg or 154 pounds. Nick has played with Wilson raquets all his life, and is currently playing with a Wilson Juice 100.


  Nick was born on November 1, 2001, in New Market, Ontario, Canada and is 14 years old. Tennis has been his passion for along  time. Following his hero Novak Djokovic, he became rapidly good in tennis which gave him a boost start since he started tennis at a later age then regular kids. He has caught up with kids who have been playing all their life and who knows what will await Nick in his

 future. He understands that it is only through hard work and dedication that he will have a chance to meet his goals. In tennis to be the best there is no excuse, this word is NOT part of Nicks vocabulary. Rain or shine he is at the court. 

"Missing a day of tennis is like a day without eating", says Nick.





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